1 man + 1 woman = 2 ppl holding hands but not seeing eye to eye
Minus his attitude and subtract her stubbornness and we’re back to square 1
Yes one
Which is where we need to be for this love to fly free
Thinking as one
Acting as one
See only negatives occur when one becomes some
The sum of lies multiplied by the many times I have divided my legs
Only equal a fraction of how much I can hate u for loving me so recklessly
But I understand that love is one of 3 emotions
Love being the first & pain follows soon after
But the product of love & pain = anger
And your anger almost cancelled out all proportionality of me and you
But the problem in itself is “me and you” assumes 2
So lets take away the “you and me” and replace it with “we”
See although love & pain= anger, pain < anger and anger > love
Love supersedes all
The strong and the weak
The large and the small
So lets begin this equation again only this time lets add love to the given
So 1 man + 1 woman= 2 ppl seeing the same vision